Success Story: Evelyn Blair
December 15, 2021Wurtland Nursing & Rehabilitation is proud to recognize resident Evelyn Blair’s Success Story!
Ms. Evelyn Blair was admitted to Wurtland Nursing & Rehab in February of 2021. She had multiple comorbidities and was just not her normal self. Ms. Blair’s ultimate goal during her stay was to become strong enough to return home to her family. She began diligently working with therapy and our Care Team members to restore her health and get her back to her normal self. While working to build strength, she acclimated very well to our community. She became close with many of her fellow peers, helped out out with activities and meal services, and was always dancing throughout the hallways. We are very proud to share that Evelyn was able to return home to Michigan with the help of her daughter. All of our Care Team members and residents will truly miss her smiling face. Congratulations to Evelyn and her Care Team on their success!